2.7ouncesvanilla pudding mix (powder)about two 38g vanilla pudding mix bags
7-8ouncesbutterroom temperature, cut into cubes
11ouncesshredded coconut flour, dividedcoconut flakes; 7 ounces (~200 grams) for the batter, 4 (~100 grams) for dipping
1.7-2.6ouncesblanched almonds (without skin)about 40-50 almonds, or 50-75 grams; roasted and peeled almonds are fine too
In a medium-sized bowl, pour 10 tablespoons (~150 milliliters) of milk. Add the pudding mix (powder) and sugar. Mix well until integrated. (Alternatively, do this step in a pot over a low temperature.)
Pour the remaining milk into a large pot and bring to a boil on medium. Then, bring the temperature down to the lowest setting, and slowly add in the pudding mixture, mixing it as you go. Mix thoroughly and frequently until the pudding forms (about 7-10 minutes). Remove off heat and let cool.
When the pudding is lukewarm, add butter, and 7 ounces (200 grams) of shredded coconut (coconut flakes). Continue stirring everything until you get one smooth, thick, sticky mass. Transfer to fridge and cool down completely (30-60 minutes).
Pour the remaining shredded coconut on a plate. Take the batter out of the fridge and form balls. (The size of each bowl should be between a large marble and a ping pong ball; the smaller the better.) Push an almond into each ball, close it up, and then dip each coconut ball in shredded coconut.
Serving: Serve 2-3 Raffaello balls per person along with coffee, or a refreshing drink.Storing: After the coconut balls firm up, transfer them to an airtight box. Keep in a dark, cool place, or the fridge for up to 5-7 days.
Volume and Serving Size
About 35-40 balls come out with this volume. You may have more or less depending on how large you shape the Rafaello balls.The serving size is up to you. We used 2 balls as one serving to calculate the nutritional information.